VBA講座 レッスン2 Findメソッド










Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

Dim WS2 As Worksheet
Dim RowEnd As Long
Dim nRow As Long
Dim nCol As Long

    nRow = Target.Row
    nCol = Target.Column
    If nCol = 1 Then Call Tikucoad(nRow, nCol)
    If nCol = 1 And Cells(nRow, 7) = "" Then Exit Sub
    If nCol > 6 Then Exit Sub
'    If nCol > 2 Then Exit Sub
    Call Nyuka_keisan
End Sub

Private Sub Tikucoad(nRow As Long, nCol As Long)

Dim WS1 As Worksheet
Dim WS2 As Worksheet
    Set WS1 = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
    Set WS2 = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(2)
    hinban = WS2.Cells(nRow, nCol)
    Set FoundCell = WS1.Columns("A").Find(hinban, lookat:=xlWhole)
    If Not FoundCell Is Nothing Then
        Application.EnableEvents = False
        WS2.Cells(nRow, nCol + 1) = WS1.Cells(FoundCell.Row, 2)
        WS2.Cells(nRow, nCol + 3) = WS1.Cells(FoundCell.Row, 3)
        Application.EnableEvents = True
        Exit Sub
    End If
    MsgBox ("見つかりません")
End Sub

Private Sub Nyuka_keisan()
'On Error Resume Next
    Dim WB As Workbook
    Dim WS1 As Worksheet
    Dim WS2 As Worksheet
    Dim FoundCell As Range
    Dim FirstCell As Range
    Dim rowCount As Long
    Dim rowNo As Long
    Dim WS1End As Long
    Set WB = ActiveWorkbook
    Set WS1 = WB.Worksheets(1)
    Set WS2 = WB.Worksheets(2)
    WS1End = WS1.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
    Application.EnableEvents = False
    For nRow = 2 To WS1End
        hinban = WS1.Cells(nRow, 1)
        nyuka = 0: syuka = 0
        Set FoundCell = WS2.Columns("A").Find(hinban, lookat:=xlWhole)
        If Not FoundCell Is Nothing Then
            rowCount = FoundCell.Row
            nyuka = WS2.Cells(rowCount, 5)
            syuka = WS2.Cells(rowCount, 6)
            WS2.Cells(rowCount, 7) = WS2.Cells(rowCount, 4) * _
WS2.Cells(rowCount, 6)
            rowNo = FoundCell.Row
            Set FirstCell = FoundCell
                Set FoundCell = WS2.Columns("A").FindNext(FoundCell)
                If Not FoundCell Is Nothing Then
                  rowCount = FoundCell.Row
                  If FoundCell.Row > rowNo Then
                      nyuka = nyuka + WS2.Cells(rowCount, 5)
                      syuka = syuka + WS2.Cells(rowCount, 6)
                      WS2.Cells(rowCount, 7) = WS2.Cells(rowCount, 4) _
 * WS2.Cells(rowCount, 6)
                  End If
                End If
            Loop Until FoundCell.Address = FirstCell.Address
        End If
        WS1.Cells(nRow, 4) = nyuka
        WS1.Cells(nRow, 5) = syuka
        WS1.Cells(nRow, 6) = nyuka - syuka
    Next nRow
    Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub

Private Sub Uriage()
'On Error Resume Next
    Dim WB As Workbook
    Dim WS1 As Worksheet
    Dim WS2 As Worksheet
    Dim rowCount As Long
    Dim rowNo As Long
    Dim WS1End As Long
    Dim hiduke As Date
    Set WB = ActiveWorkbook
    Set WS1 = WB.Worksheets(2)
    Set WS2 = WB.Worksheets(3)

wsEnd1 = WS1.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count        'yahoo

WS2.Range("A1") = "年度月別"
WS2.Range("B1") = "売上"

ReDim suN(wsEnd1 + 1, 2)
    suN(0, 0) = wsEnd1
    s0 = 1
    For i = 2 To suN(0, 0)
        hiduke = WS1.Cells(i, 3)      '日付
        suN(s0, 0) = hiduke
        suN(s0, 1) = WS1.Cells(i, 7)
        s0 = s0 + 1
    Next i
'shell-metzner sort--------------------
    n = suN(0, 0)       'データ件数

510  d = 1
520  d = d + d: If d > n Then GoTo 580 Else GoTo 520
530  For i = 1 To n - d: j = i
540     k = j + d: If suN(k, 0) >= suN(j, 0) Then GoTo 570
550     X = suN(k, 0): suN(k, 0) = suN(j, 0): suN(j, 0) = X
        X = suN(k, 1): suN(k, 1) = suN(j, 1): suN(j, 1) = X
560     j = j - d: If j > 0 Then GoTo 540
570  Next i
580  d = Int((d - 1) / 2): If d > 0 Then GoTo 530


    s = 2: kei = 0
    For u = 2 To suN(0, 0)
        dayM = Year(suN(u, 0)) & "/" & Month(suN(u, 0))
        dayM1 = Year(suN(u + 1, 0)) & "/" & Month(suN(u + 1, 0))
        kei0 = suN(u, 1)
        kei = kei + kei0
        If dayM <> dayM1 Then
            WS2.Cells(s, 1) = dayM
            WS2.Cells(s, 2) = kei
            s = s + 1
            kei = 0
        End If
    Next u
End Sub

上級レッスン2 ダウンロードはこちら